Tuesday 11 March 2014

Pistorius Trial: Witness Timelines 3 (C. Johnson)

Charl Johnson: Michelle Burger’s husband

He was awoken by screams.
He jumped out of bed and ran onto balcony. 
He heard more screams, then a lady shouted “help”.
A male voice shouted “help, help, help”. 
His wife called him back to bedroom to telephone security.    
He told the story twice to security guards.
But it was the wrong number (an estate where used to live).
He doesn’t know if any screaming was going on while he was on the phone.
Phone records show that this call was made at 3:16 and lasted 58 seconds.
He then ran back out to balcony.  
The lady screamed again, with more intensity and fear in her voice.
It was clear that her life was in danger.   
Then there were shots, with a first one, then a short pause and a volley.   
He guesses about five or six shots. 
During the shots she screamed again. 
"The last scream faded moments after the last shot was fired.”

On cross, Roux challenged Johnson about the sounds he heard. (Cricket bat?)
Johnson insists that he heard gunshots.
He knows guns and owns a 9mm, the same as Pistorius.
Roux lines up three problems: 
(1) Why would Pistorius scream for help before shooting Reeva? 
(2) Knowing that he broke down the bathroom door with a cricket bat, when did he do it?
      He called Mr. Stander at 3:19:50 for help (says just after breaking down door)
(3) Why did Johnson hear only one set of sounds? (either shots or cricket bat)

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